
Project Info:

GO DIGITAL WITH DIGITAL INDIA NOW SELL YOUR HOUSEHOLD WASTE DIGITALLY WITH AAPNA RADDIWALA, In India everyone is facing the problem of selling their Paper Waste and if they find the seller most of them are not getting the accurate value of their scrap and through Aapna raddiwala we want to solve this problem. We are providing that place for scrap where it doesn't get wasted and is utilised to its maximum. We believe in the prinicipal of 3 R's that is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and we want to implement this in scrap sector by Reducing the pollution created by scrap, Reusing the scrap by the people for whom it may be useful, Recycling it for coverting it in something new. For you scrap might be a waste product but for some people it is gold, so instead of throwing it away you can give it someone who really needs it.,

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